Monday, February 23, 2009

RedState: Democrats to Railroad Through Another Super Secret Massive Spending Bill

They put it off to get the stimulus through. Now the Democrats want to rush this through without actually releasing the text of the legislation for public inspection.

As President Obama hosts a summit Monday on "fiscal responsibility," Democratic leaders in Congress this week are preparing to ram through the House a massive spending bill that includes thousands of unscrutinized pork-barrel earmarks and the largest increase in discretionary spending since Jimmy Carter - a bill written in secret, which to date, no one in America other than the Democratic congressional leadership has read.
Connie Hair notes:

"The omnibus spending bill was originally placed on the legislative calendar over two weeks ago, yet that proved inconvenient to ramming through the obscene "stimulus" bill. Shaky Blue Dog Democrats - in what passes for their idea of fiscal responsibility this Congressional session - were not comfortable with trying to pass the bloated trillion dollar "stimulus" spending bill while porking up another half-trillion in omnibus spending."

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