Thursday, September 24, 2009

More indoctrination... hide your stuff...

If you've been watching Glenn Beck this week, you've probably seen this one. I figure there are a whole buncha folks who are at work when he's on, who aren't hooked into all the conservative blogs, Twitter, etc., etc., and thus may have missed this one. So... here goes...

This video is being shown across the country in schools... from what I understand it's been being shown for about two years and no one seems to have raised a stink about it until someone brought it to Glenn Beck's attention and he shared it with the world a few days ago.

Here's a link to Beck's page where they debunk the garbage that's in the video above:

I watched Beck's program the day after he first showed it (I watched that one, too ;-) and he mentioned that parents called him on his radio show saying they'd asked their kids about it... and discovered their children had watched it, some for two years running.

How many of us would think to ask our kids what they watched in school? If we do think to ask, we're lucky to get any kind of an answer! If you ask your child about what they learned you might pull enough info out of them to know that maybe they learned about the discovery of America or watched a science film or that they started learning about whatever... but it's doubtful they'd even think to share that they watched a movie that showed how nasty Americans are poisoning children... killing innocent people... killing our world...

One day they might pipe up and tell you that using 2-ply toilet paper is destroying our planet... or you may wonder why they toss their pillow on the floor every night (watch the video above)... or tell you how bad George W. Bush was after 9/11 (watch the video above)... or start crying when they wear a hole in their tennis shoes, telling you they can't buy another pair (watch the video above)... You may never know where some of the stuff they share comes from.

I watched the video above all the way through. There's some stuff I kind of agree with in the video. But... there are so many "buts"... I can't believe a teacher would show children this video without doing their own homework, but then again, if they're showing it they probably swallow the concepts it's built upon it completely. The only saving grace is that it seems geared toward younger kids yet the moderator uses words that I bet half the kids wouldn't understand... but I suppose the kind of teachers who'd share this with their class would probably look at it as a good discussion and teaching vehicle. Let's learn some new words kids...

If you saw the videos I shared in some of my earlier posts today, and you manage to get all the way through this one, it should spur you to spend a bit more time picking the brains of your kiddos... and make you wonder where we're heading in this country.

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