Tuesday, September 22, 2009

NEA story update...

I was just wandering around the National Endowment for the Arts website and they now have a link that goes to "The Arts Health Insurance Resource Center" (http://www.ahirc.org/). Here's the front page paragraph:

Health care reform is a critical issue for the arts community. At this moment we have a unique opportunity to improve our quality of life by demanding affordable guaranteed-issue insurance. AHIRC recently launched a new website helping artists get involved in the health care reform debate. Visit Artists United to learn more about the reform bills and advocacy organizations, and to contact your Congress representatives directly.
Get Health Care. Get Insured. Get Creative.

I thought the Yosi / NEA conference call I wrote about in my previous blog was BAD NEWS. This is blatant, in your face, we don't care, lock-step... arrrgggghhhh....

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