Monday, August 09, 2010

A Letter From The Georgia Christian Coalition

The Georgia Christian Coalition
P.O. Box 4773 Columbus GA 31914-4773 (706) 366-8298

Dear Christian Coalition Friend:

When I opened my AOL Email to write this letter, I saw these headlines: 'Another Bruising Month for Jobs', 'Social Security officially in the red', 'Post Office will be broke next year'.

Serious. Life altering stuff. But what are we hearing in our governor's race? Distortions about Karen Handel's views on abortion (actually she's pro life with many endorsements) and homosexual marriage (she voted against domestic partner benefits when Fulton County Chair.)

Do media, phone calls and attacks disclose her successful record of fighting illegal immigration? Has anyone reported that as Secretary of State, she implemented the SAVE program to prevent those here illegally from getting professional licenses, saving jobs for Georgians? She'll give Georgia a law like Arizona that will pass judicial muster.

More serious stuff: we need jobs and Karen Handel will lead efforts for meaningful tax reform so Georgia will compete with our state neighbors for industry and win! She is on track to bring solutions to the water distribution battles so all of Georgia will have its share.

IMPORTANT: When you vote, you'll need to show photo ID to fight voter fraud. Thanks Karen, for this law.

Furloughs, or job losses, won't be needed in the Handel administration because she knows she will save $400 million dollars a year by cutting waste in state government. She'll eliminate non-essential programs and grants. She cut almost 20% in her own agency's budget.

These are important facts Karen Handel sent in her brochure to every voter. Sensible plans, firm promises, definite action is how Ms Handel has done things since she was 17.

Let's hear it for her job creation plans, budget savings and economic balance in water distribution. Karen Handel has proven she is pro family (ask Steve, husband of many  years), pro life and very much pro Georgia!

Karen Handel has answered my questions about life issues and Georgia issues to my complete satisfaction.

She says, "Bring it on!" I say, "Ms. Handel, I will...with my vote for you as Governor on Tuesday and again in November."


Jerry Luquire, President
The Georgia Christian Coalition

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